We had a great month of October here in the the Hartland. Grandma and Papa Johnson took the kids to the pumpkin patch. (yay! I didn't have to!) Jared, Jaden and Jacey all picked a pumpkin to take home, and they brought one home for Jackson too.

It's a big one.

Fun with Grandma

They did pretty well cleaning out their own pumpkins. Interest started to fade out though and John ended up pratically carving all of them. This is not my favorite part of Halloween, and I tried to rush them through it. I'm looking forward to not having a baby/toddler whining and crying during this part and trying to grab things off the edges of the table.

John got the carving, and I got the clean up.

Yay- All Done!

For Halloween, we decided to go to Pioneer Village. It's a "safe" Halloween, with lots of treat stations, costume contests, food, activities etc. My dad watched Jackson back at his house, so we didn't even have him with us. I didn't even dress him up that night hence no picture of the cutie. He did get to go to one Family Home Evening party at some friends' house, and he wore a dalmatian costume, but I didn't even get a picture of it. Bad mom. It was SOO warm on Halloween. I loved it. It was the warmest Halloween I can remember which made it nice not to have to worry about jackets etc.

Jacey trying to give me a mean witch face.

John got stuck holding the hats, masks and props (light sabers).

He practiced his light saber moves

They had a gazebo where the Disney princesses danced. Jacey loved it.

Jared, Morgan, Jacey, Tyler, Jaden
Happy Halloween and onto Thanksgiving!
cute costumes and cute pumpkins. i remember pioneer village - i loved it there. i still love old houses.
So much cuteness! Jacey made an adorable witch.
Hello Hart Family! Love the costumes and the pumpkins look great too. Pumpkin carving is a lot more work than it gets credit for so good job.
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