It was finally time to take this little boy for his first haircut. His hair looked good only right after a bath when it was curly and combed. As soon as he slept on it, it became a case of serious bed head. Here's the before and after:

He looks a little boy now. And he started walking this week! When he was born, I predicted he would walk by Thanksgiving. Good job Jackson!
Did you save his sweet little curls? What a cutie.
he looks older! and very handsome. although i love his long fuzzy hair!
Janna & John - I had a dream last night that I went to your house to visit, and you had a row of descending-sized bikes in the garage...kind of like Jeff's quads. It really made me want to see you guys. If I ever go to Bako again I'll be sure to call you.
It is probably just me but I think with the hair cut he looks like a blond blue-eyed mini Jacey. So cute.
my mama saids he looks like uncle john! haha
i like the haircut. he is adorable no matter what. also i like the new look of the blog!
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