The other day I heard a loud bang in the other room. This is what I find.

Jackson takes the wooden dowel out of the sliding glass door and whacks my framed proclamation picture that is hanging high on the wall above his head.

Grrrr. He showed no remorse. Just had a big ol smile on his face. Love destructive 2 year olds.
my four-year-old colored with blue marker on every single one of the white keys on our piano. then he lied about it and wouldn't come clean no matter what i threatened. grrrrrr.
Okay-- when Dallin was 2 or 3 I was at girl's camp and he took a stick or bat of sorts to my brand new bedroom dresser. The dents are still there. Come over, I'll show you. Nice. This also resulted in the breaking in half an heirloom plate that was sitting on my dresser. Which, my husband tried glue back together with crazy glue - off center-- grrrr. He did the repair job on the dresser. This resulted in the glue leaking on to the top of the dresser leaving a lovely mark. double grrrr. Kids... you have to love them ALL. :-)
him and karson would make a great/horrifying team I could definitely see him doing something like that. Apparantally he hates the proclamation to the family...it's ok karson calls himself evil boy
Such wonderful little joys our 2 year olds are - memories and adventures on every turn. Why is it the youngest is the worst?? :)
I am so there with you girl...times 2! I will have to say they are my easiest in how they can entertain each other and always have a buddy but it's what they do that drives me crazy! Just know you are not alone! :o)
i think it means he hates your family
When Ryan was two and you asked him how old he was he would say "terrible two". Gotta love Jackson's smile.
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