Happy Thanksgiving!
We celebrated Thanksgiving in St. George, Utah this year. We drove on Wednesday and got there about 8PM local time. John's mom had 2 units at an awesome time share reserved for our family and John's sister Lisa's family. We got there and had lots of wonderful family there to greet us and help us carry our stuff in. I didn't take as many pictures as I should have. Darn. After raining all day Thursday, the weather was beautiful on Friday and Saturday. We had a super fun time hanging out with everyone and especially playing the Rage card game with the Hamblins until 2AM every night.
We had a wonderful spread of food. SOOO much food. Still a ton of food left in the fridge after most of us left on Saturday.
After dinner- Emma Hamblin, Mia Hart, Saya Hart, Lisa, Ross and Adam
Grandma, John and Kenny
Jacey LOVES her sweet cousin Emma
Jared and Isaac found lots of time for game playing.
We ventured out Friday night to Tuacahn to see a live nativity. What a great way to start off the holidays. Poor Jackson didn't get to come out that night--he was sick and John decided to stay back with him--
Same picture but Jaden decided to jump in.
Pretending to fall in the water fall.
A ride on the train/tractor
We had no plans to shop on Black Friday, but holiday traffic came to a complete stop on the way home on Saturday at State Line. We decided to get off the freeway and walk around the outlet mall for a few hours. It worked! By the time we got back on the road, the traffic had cleared up. It made for a loooooooonnnnnngggg day though. Poor Jackson wasn't feeling well and moaned pretty much the whole way home. We got home about 11:30PM.