I was so finished having kids after Number 3. I felt it was all I could handle and I got my girl. Life was great! I knew that John felt we should have another and that bothered me. Having a fourth wouldn't change his life, much. He would still get up and go to work and come home at the same time everyday. It would change EVERYTHING for me. I felt like I wanted to be a good mom to the ones I already had and that having another might send me over the edge. In the back of my mind though something was whispering to me that we weren't just finished yet. I tried to ignore it. I really did. But it kept getting louder and louder. I finally humbled myself and started to pray about it and I took it to the temple. And within months of my heart softening and realizing yes, there is another one and yes, it's the right thing, I was pregnant. John was hoping for a girl while I secretly wanted a boy. I'm not sure why- it just seemed like it had been awhile since I had a little boy. We got a little boy and he is the sweetest thing. I'm so so so SO glad we have him. He has been such a blessing in our lives. He is seriously my best baby by FAR. He is a testimony of answers to prayer, and of the temple, and of all that is good in this world. I couldn't resist taking these pictures of him the other night. He just makes me so happy. I find it hard to complain about anything with him.

He can't walk or stand alone yet- he is leaning against the couch. My prediction is Thanksgiving. (He'll be 15 months)

I was feeding him crackers and little tiny bits of popcorn to keep him happy while we were watching a movie. Bad idea- a few minutes after I took this picture- he choked, gagged and threw up. My fault!

What a sweetie.
Your kids are just too cute, guys. And Janna, I gotta say, there's a lot of Mommy in all of them, especially Jared. I'm really enjoying reading about your family, makes it easier that we don't seem to get together much.
thats so cute!!! when is going to be the next time I see you?
yay he's almost walking! go jackson!
I just love that kid. He is so cute! We love your entire family and you really couldn't have better children! You are a wonderful family!
yea - he was definately worth it. i cant wait to see what #5 brings.
He is adorable. You guys are so lucky!
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