My wonderful dad, James Johnson, turned 60 on October 14, 2008. We surprised him with a dinner out at KC's Steakhouse, and then we went back to my parents' house for dessert . I made a nice slide show
dvd of his life thus far. I scanned over 150 photos into a 14 minute video. Here are some pictures of the night.
Unfortunately after dinner, we picked up the kids to bring them with us for dessert and things got crazy and loud, and I didn't managed to take any more pictures.

When he walked in. I think we really surprised him although my kids threw a ton of hints in the weeks leading up to this.

Dad and crazy Mom

My dad's sister
JoAnn and husband Rich

My Dad's other sister, Nancy

My brothers- Jake and Jeremiah

My sister- Jamey

Getting ready for the retirement home- being fed
Happy Birthday Dad!
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