On Saturday I asked all the of the kids to find some way to help me. Jacey decided to vacuum. She was happily manhandling the too big for her machine when I heard screaming and crying. I ran to her and found her holding her head. In all the hysterical-ness I manage to make out that she had bent down to look at something on the ground (a spider she thought) when her hair got sucked into the still going vacuum. A big chunk of her hair was ripped out. Poor girl. The remaining hair was all singed and our house smelled terrible--like burnt hair.

The culprit--next time unplug the vacuum before you investigate.

There was nothing to do but go get a haircut. We have to part it on the other side now to disguise the still shorter uneven hair on the left side of her head.

She's still so cute!!
Poor thing! That is one very strong vac you've got! And I love the new cut! She looks adorable.
that sounds like my worst nightmare! ouch! she got a cute haircut out of the deal though!
Scary! I hope she is not so traumatized that she never vaccuums again. It is a very cute cut though.
I knew a lady whose son broke his leg with a vacuum cleaner. I'm sorry that happened! She really is cute with her new haircut though. :)
i have a friend that happened to also. dare i say - i love the new haircut even better?
You're right. Cute hair cut!
That's a good story that she can tell for the rest of her life. I hope it didn't give her too much pain, my girls cry tears when I brush their hair, I'll have to tell them this story. The shorter cut is very cute on her.
What a sad story. I thought I saw her at school with short hair but wasn't sure. She's adorable with short hair. What a cute cut.
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