Last Friday, we managed to get out of town and visit Disneyland again! It was this little boy's first time and everyone was excited about it. We finally decided to bring him along after leaving him at home on previous trips. The kids discussed and planned for weeks about who would sit by Jackson on what ride. We went down on Thursday evening and stayed with our friends, the
Zollingers, who were so nice to let us use them for a hotel. They are
conveniently located just 10-15
minutes from Disneyland's
main gates.

I managed to get the camera out a few times. Visiting Disneyland with our WHOLE family for the first time EVER was busy. But everyone did a great job!

Waiting for Dumbo

After all that ride position talk, Jackson mostly rode with John on everything. You can see the top of his head here.
Jaden rode by himself.

Great day!

Silly boys

Waiting for John after one of our split ups.
Jacey and Jackson-
Jacey rode Splash Mountain for the first time. She was terrified but was very brave. I told her she had to pick one ride to go one that she hadn't been on before, and if she did it, I wouldn't bother her the rest of the day about going on the others. She chose Splash Mountain and we sat together in the back.
Unfortunately, we were
riding with a bunch of 20 year old boys who thought it was great to scream loudly the whole and time and have water fights. We hardly got wet on the ride, but I got soaked by the boys riding with us. I yelled, "STOP IT
RIGHT NOW!" I think they felt bad. Good. When we came out of the ride, John had
Tigger Tails for us!! YUM!!!
More posing

He was such a good boy and was not afraid of anything!
Jacey was thrilled to catch the whole
HSM 3 performance. We walked by it when were there in September, but it was 103 degrees outside and there was no way I was sitting outside to watch it.

She was picked to go up and dance.

Jared and
Jaden went on Tower of Terror for the first time (twice!) and loved it.

Jared resting his legs at the parade.

Dancing in the streets before the parade

Waiting for mom and Jared to zoom by on California

We were there on the first day of the Christmas decorations. Disney knows how to do it right. Missed getting a picture of the huge tree in the park though.

Finally tuckered out after a full day at the park. Waiting for the tram. Too bad this didn't last. He woke up when we put him in the car and screamed for an hour before falling back asleep. It was a great day though and we hope to do it again soon!!