Jaden, Jared, Jacey and Jackson Hart--Christmas 2008

Jaden- age 6

Jared- age 9

Jackson- age 16 months

Jacey- age 4

Christmas Eve party at our house- Jaden as Joseph and Jacey as Mary

Jared came in as a shepherd

Cousins make the whole group- JoJo and Morgan are angels and Tyler is a wiseman.

Jaden and Tyler

Grandma and Jackson

Grandpa Hart and Grandma LaNell

Christmas morning- Jacey got LOTS of princess stuff

Jared and Jaden playing a new video game.

Jaden playing with Jackson's remote car

Jackson got new Batman jammies

Merry Christmas--
merry christmas! hope you guys had a good christmas!
wow, where did you get all the fancy costumes. our were always pillowcases and neck ties. they look awesome.
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