December has been a very busy month for Jared. I didn't get pictures of it, but he competed in the Oral Language Festival at the district level after winning his classroom , his grade level and school competition. He didn't move on to
Regionals, but I'm hoping his success this year will motivate him to actually practice and put some effort into his performance. I was teaching him about talents and how we need to
develop them. I told him that he is very talented in public speaking, drama etc. He says, "I don't want that talent."
Hmmm. He also sang a solo in sacrament meeting with the
primary children. He sounded so good, but he doesn't want that talent either. Next, he
received a student of the month award.

And lastly, he performed with his school's beginning band. He was on trumpet. Pretty fun!

Jared is such a great kid!