I can't believe it's been almost a month since I posted anything on here. Nothing much has been going on I guess. I did have some pictures of Jared getting his Bear Cub Scout award, but my camera with those pictures on it is broken. We bought a new camera and headed to Pismo Beach last weekend for my childhood friend Kym's wedding. We had SUCH a GREAT time! It was the first time in 2 years that we had a getaway without the kids and it was WONDERFUL!

Here we are at Splash Cafe- a must eat cafe in Pismo.

The wedding was gorgeous- it was held on a cliff at the Shore Cliff Lodge.

Mr and Mrs. Brent Hoffman

The wedding was held on this cliff.

It was a little windy

The reception- lots of fun

Me and the new Kym Hoffman

Me and Kym's roommate from Seattle, Krista. I stayed with them 7 and 1/2 years ago on a weekend visit.

Sunset- not a great picture of me--hair was getting kind of plastered.

The money dance!

The view from our room. We got there Friday afternoon and had a nice dinner at McClintocks. Then we went to the movies. So nice not to rush back to relieve the babysitter.

Another view

On the way home, we stopped by Morro Bay and had more fish and more clam chowder. We also got some yummy smoked salmon to take home.

Watching the seals- this one was BIG!

swimming around
It was an awesome weekend! I am ready to go back again this weekend! :)