It's the start of summer and the question arises, "What am I gonna do with these kids for 10 weeks?" To be honest, I love parts of summer- slow mornings, running kids around less and NO homework (for me and for them). But we're already starting to get a little stir crazy. The three oldest have actually been trying on ALL of Jacey's clothes for the past hour. I mean ALL of her clothes, dress up clothes, pajamas, every day clothes, EVERYTHING! The boys won't let me snap pictures of them or else they would definitely be on this blog. I think they're bored. I could do a lot more with the older kids if I didn't have to be home to let Jackson take a nap twice a day. We bought a blow up pool at Costco and that has helped some, but we're having weird weather here and it hasn't even been that hot. We have some summer activities planned: Swim Lessons, T-Ball, and Cub Scout Camp. I've also been spoiled these past 3 weeks because John has been off work, but Monday he starts summer school. I will be on my own again. No running off to stores and errands by myself. We have some summer trips planned when John gets out of school, so that's something to look forward to. Thankfully, I have some organized friends organizing some summer activities. Here's a few pictures to show what we've been up to the last week.